Calendar New Year is fraught with folks setting goals and resolutions. As we know, so many times this type of thing fails out of the gate - research says the failure rate for New Year’s resolutions is about 80%. And a dichotomy is created in the workplace, as often times a fiscal calendar or fiscal quarter professional goal setting doesn’t correspond to the standard Gregorian calendar.
While my organization’s fiscal half falls this time of year, it isn’t a major time of resetting goals. However, these types of calendar milestones are places where people reassess and perhaps are motivated to shift behaviors. Because of that, I think it is important to address as a group. (Note, another good time for this is the start of a school year - while not everyone is a student, or has students, this type of cultural milestone exists in many places.)
Instead of setting resolutions, I ask my team to think about how they are feeling heading into the new calendar year. It’s a bit of taking stock of their energy level and their mentality - a general check-in. And then, steering clear of specific goals or things they want to change, I ask for a word or maxim as they look ahead. The time period of a coherent 12 months can also be hard conceptually, so a general forward outlook may be preferable to a specific time frame. The idea of choosing a “word of the year” has almost a cult following at this point, but even a less rigorous process can still yield thoughtful responses. Additionally, it allows us to see our teams and colleagues wishes and hopes (or struggles and roadblocks) a bit more clearly.
Once the dust of the holidays settle, prepare a whiteboarding session with a “emotion wheel” or something similar. Ask folks to identify their current state. (I ask that they name two adjectives, as you can have someone who is excited AND anxious or enthusiastic AND confused - it is good to know both.) I leave this part anonymous, so that folks can be honest, but ask them to share their responses if they wish.
Then ask them to add stickies for a maxim / word / wish as they look forward. Ideally sharing with the group provides insight and camaraderie.