Like many folks, this year for spring break we took the trip we’d planned to take in 2020. We were a bit rusty traveling as a family (but very excited that now the kiddos are responsible for their own luggage, and we didn’t have any “kid gear” with us). My goal for the trip was to actually turn-off work and be present for my family. Too often my kids will ask for help with something and follow it with “unless you have to work”…or now my 10 year old has begun making my tea in the morning because too many mornings he won’t see me before school unless he brings it to me in my office…too many nights I spend with my laptop instead of my spouse.
But largely this trip, I was able to unplug. There were a couple times I needed to check in, and a budgeting call I couldn’t miss, but for 5 working days away I think I did a pretty good job of tuning out distractions and tuning into those who mean the most to me.
To commemorate and remember, I made a video of our time. I’m hoping it continues to remind me of my real priorities.