The tide will turn

by Kristen DeLap

Harriett Beecher Stowe was likely talking about abolition or women's rights when she wrote this, but it feels prescient to any task requiring effort. 


Darling Media

by Kristen DeLap

I stumbled across Darling magazine a few years ago. Looking for a more "grown up" or nuanced woman-centric magazine with a feminist lens, I subscribed. Though somewhat of a luxury, due to the expense, this quarterly is worth it's very hefty weight. One of the tenants is that no woman you see on its pages, in original content or advertising, is retouched. It seems so simple and yet it is so bold.  

Recently the magazine founders launched an entire media company with the same ideals, to spread their messages beyond print. I'm excited to be a founding investor in Darling Media. And the below is part of their mission statement

Diversity of features, models, and content are part of the overall empowerment message of the magazine.  

Diversity of features, models, and content are part of the overall empowerment message of the magazine.  

The mission statement appears on the back of every issue, instead of advertising.  

The mission statement appears on the back of every issue, instead of advertising.  

#shelfie :)  

#shelfie :)  

30 letters 2018

by Kristen DeLap

One of my favorite months! The #write_on challenge has begun for April. I love that this month ramps up my handwritten correspondence. I love assembling the supplies almost as much as dropping a thick stack of envelopes in the box.  


See some previous years work here and here.  And stay tuned for outgoing mail! 

Support, Defend, Celebrate

by Kristen DeLap


On this International Womens Day, we must remember those of us with the harder fight. Those who so often are our voice of reason. Remember to stand up for black women's voices; let those voices lead us. We are all sisters, and there is much we can do to hold each other up


by Kristen DeLap

Valentine's Day is the same week as my partner's birthday, so there is usually much fanfare. This year, however, life got in the way of much celebrating. So we are just trying to enjoy the time together. 


Work place inspiration

by Kristen DeLap

Last fall I was approached by a designer to help detail a furniture showroom for Haworth. They were looking for handlettered inspirational signs to pair with Patricia Urquiola's "Openest" line at the launch in the DC showroom. The furniture line is designed to invite people to gather, share ideas and focus on a task (even if that task is occasionally relaxing). The signs were in multiple languages and multiple sizes. It's my highest profile and largest commission to date, even though my work was anonymous!  



Lots of mapping out which phrase looks / feels best on which size paper. And then lots of paper cutting.

Lots of mapping out which phrase looks / feels best on which size paper. And then lots of paper cutting.


2018 - Patience

by Kristen DeLap

The past couple years I've chosen a focus word instead of setting resolutions. (2016: Quality, 2017: Resistance) This year, I'm opting to do the same, to help structure my next 12 months and remind me of my priorities. 2018 will be Patience. 


I am not the most patient person by default. So this year will be about taking a pause when before I wouldn't have, giving the benefit of the doubt, keeping quieter, and allowing myself to take the time. 

In our current times, as citizens of society, we could all do with a bit more patience for each other. Listening and having a bit more restraint before we jump to conclusions or assumptions. Taking the time to appreciate the nuances and layers of those around us, and remembering that we never know a person's full story. (Recently a co-worker's husband passed away, which came as a surprise to those of us at work. But he'd been living with cancer for some time, and she kept it a secret for her own personal reasons. Not that I was ever unkind to her, but could I have been kinder had I known?) Be kind, be patient with everyone we meet.

As a parent, my patience is continually tested. I hope to be a better example to my kiddos, and cultivate their ability to be patient as well. They deserve that.

And I hope to be more patient with myself, to give myself grace, and in moments of anger or annoyance try to identify what I'm really feeling. Ursula K Le Guin wrote it beautifully when she said, "If I'm in an angry mood and aware of it, I can ask myself, So what is it you're afraid of? That gives me a place to look at my anger from. Sometimes it helps me get to clearer air." Ideally I can get myself into some clearer air this year. 

I am sure 2018 will continue to test us all as a society, and certainly myself as a parent, and an individual. Hopefully I can meet the challenges with grace and patience.